
Penis Percentile Calculator
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Welcome to calcSD, a lightweight website made so you can easily view the rarity of specific dick sizes. Feel free to type different numbers into the calculator as well.

The numbers are compared against a few datasets that each have a specific average and standard deviation. The accuracy of the results depend on the dataset used, you can see more details about each one here.

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Dataset Average Length (SD) Average Girth (SD) Avg. Flaccid Length (SD)
calcSD Global Average (BP) 13.98cm (1.72) 5.50" (0.68) 11.64cm (1.31) 4.58" (0.52) 8.96cm (1.41) 3.53" (0.55)
Western Average (BP) 14.49cm (1.91) 5.70" (0.75) 11.89cm (1.47) 4.68" (0.58) 9.55cm (1.57) 3.76" (0.62)
Eastern Average (BP) 13.23cm (1.39) 5.21" (0.55) 11.27cm (1.02) 4.44" (0.40) 8.15cm (1.16) 3.21" (0.46)
LifeStyles Condoms 14.93cm (2.10) 5.88" (0.83) 12.63cm (1.29) 4.97" (0.51) N/D N/D
Di Mauro et al. 2021 (BP) 16.78cm (2.55) 6.61" (1.00) 12.03cm (3.82) 4.74" (1.50) 9.47cm (2.69) 3.73" (1.06)
Kinsey Data 15.65cm (1.88) 6.16" (0.74) 12.33cm (1.61) 4.86" (0.64) 9.84cm (1.81) 3.87" (0.71)
Herbenick et al. 2014 14.15cm (2.66) 5.57" (1.05) 12.31cm (2.09) 4.85" (0.82) N/D N/D
Veale et al. 2015 13.12cm (1.66) 5.17" (0.74) 11.66cm (1.10) 4.59" (0.43) 9.16cm (1.57) 3.61" (0.62)