
Testicle Percentile Calculator
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Ball Size Calculator

Warning: There's currently no reliable or recommended source of information about these averages.

A page for measuring the volume of balls I guess. This is not a very organized page, take every result with a grain of salt. All measurements should be of one single testicle, not both of them. For the "Rundle and Sylvester, 1962" study, it is advised to use this website instead as it provides percentages based on age as well.

NOTE: The website defaults to centimeters as a measurement unit.

Formula Average Range
Ellipsoid Approximation 4/3 × π × length/2 × height/2 × depth/2 18ml (0.61 fl oz) 12-30ml (0.41-1.01 fl oz)
Rundle and Sylvester, 1962 length × height × depth × 0.71 31.1ml (1.05 fl oz) 12-54.5ml (0.41-1.84 fl oz)
Aslan et al. 2011 orchidometer 22.0ml (0.77 fl oz) SD: 2.8ml